des trucs cools mixes les uns avec les autres. un barbecue, des soirees qui ne finissent jamais, des taxis vers l appart dont on a oublie l adresse. la bande son ideale d un hangover poli et delicat.
Mshow3x6 (cut and paste around the edges)
Omid - Ways of the world
The Wascals - Big Shit/Battleship
Channel Live - Mad Izm
Society - Yes N Deed
Sam Sklair - Databand
Dj Baku - Kannibalism ft Kan
JME - Power
Lauren Mason - Want to Be Free ft Wiley
Dan Le Sac VS Scroobius Pip - Look for the Woman
David Ramos - Dont Exist
D-Sisive - Ambulance ft Tom Waits
Kumi Hues - 45 Murders
Ariano - All we Have ft $martyr
Prolyphic and Reanimator - Two Track Mind
Norfolk & Western - Letters Opened in a Bar